
Our Institutes

The Castellino Campus (CNR-NA1 research area) is a cluster of eight research institutes and two offices of the National Research Council (CNR) which is located in the center of Naples (Vomero-Arenella district) near several other important research institutions.

The Castellino Campus occupies an area of about 12000 m 2 , with about 21000 m 2 of laboratories/structures (the main building and four accessory buildings) and 5000 m 2 of land, for a total area of approximately 26000 m 2.

The great experience of the Research Area is given by the CNR Institutes present: Institute for Calculation Applications “Mauro Picone” (IAC), Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems (IRET), Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources (IBBR), Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology (IBBC), Institute for high performance computing and networking(ICAR), Institute of Genetics and Biophysics “Adriano Buzzati Traverso” (IGB), Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems (ISASI), Institute of Biostructures and Bioimaging (IBB). In addition, the CNR Campus hosts a number of private company laboratories.

Relations with staff from small and medium-sized enterprises and industrial groups has been promoted by national and regional programs, which aim to collaborative studies between industries and universities in the field of pharmacology, biotechnology, ICT.

This approach has been successful in strengthening the technology transfer activities in the area and consequently the applications in the spin-offs have started their activities. In addition, collaborations between the different Institutes have been promoted by projects such as PON, POR etc., which always include at least three Institutes of the Campus, together with Institutes / Laboratories of Universities, hospital research companies, industry and external CNR institutes from the Castellino campus. Collaborations on campus are an important aspect for success in competitive projects.

The experts in genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, biophysics and immunology, work at IGB, IBBC and IBB; the experts in mathematics, bioinformatics, engineering sciences, physics wort at IAC, ICAR and ISASI; the experts in biology and environmental science work at IRET and IBBR. This is a simplified categorization, in fact, many different types of expertise, relating to the main interest of the Institutes, are present throughout the Campus (see the specific web page).

The scientific activities of the campus include the organization of national and international seminars, workshops, and courses. A science dissemination program with middle and high school students is regularly organized at the campus institutes.