Francesco Solombrino– Università degli Studi di Napoli «Federico II»
Abstract: In this talk we derive a strain-gradient theory for plasticity as the 𝛤-limit of discrete dislocation fractional energies, without the introduction of a core-radius. By using the finite horizon fractional gradient introduced by Bellido, Cueto, and Mora-Corral of 2023, we consider a nonlocal model of semi-discrete dislocations, in which the stored elastic energy is computed via the fractional gradient of order 1 – 𝛼. As 𝛼 goes to 0, we show that suitably rescaled energies 𝛤-converge to the macroscopic strain-gradient model of Garroni, Leoni, and Ponsiglione of 2010.
Martedì 3 dicembre 2024 ore 14.304 ore 14.30
Area di Ricerca Napoli1
Via Pietro Castellino, 111, Napoli
Aula Conferenze Vaccaro